Video Description

Testimonial – Online Spiritual Guidance

Thank you so much to Lujan for this opportunity, it has been truly life-changing.

Lujan visited me energetically while I was reading Shadows in the Twilight, and I understood it was time for me to start to study with him. The following day I received an email about Lujan opening up for Online Spiritual Guidance and I signed up.

It is difficult to put words on how much this experience has impacted my life, both practically and energetically. Lujan confirmed my path, the knowing I already had and he gave me energy, knowledge, tools, and inspiration to take a giant step forward in my practice and how to proceed with my life.

He is a magical being and I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to experience these sessions. The sessions had a big impact on my overall vibration and my life changed in aspects that we did not even touch upon.

I released deep, old negative energy from my energy field in between our sessions, I have let go of old habits and I have raised my vibration tremendously. Now, a couple of weeks after we finished our sessions I am still experiencing big changes, feeling releases and evolving beyond my previous level of awareness. It is like an ongoing train of opening up new doors to something that was there all the time.

What sticks with me the most is the energy and the connection.
I can still tap into the vibration. It’s amazing.

Thank you for inviting me.

Love always,



We are now accepting registrations for Online Spiritual Guidance in February and March 2020.

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