This online program is ideal as an introduction to Lujan’s teachings as well as for those who are unable to attend private tuition or group workshops. Interact with Lujan via Skype for guidance or counseling sessions.

As a seer Lujan goes directly to the heart of matters, without judgment, to support clients to align with their life path and/or presenting issues. The student will have the opportunity to explore their unique circumstances to identify barriers to personal power and emotional freedom.


Lo Ban Pai
Initiation Series

The initiation series builds a foundation for Oriental shamanism by preparing the body, will and energy system. It teaches movement structures, physical training methods and chi cultivation that is applied specifically to energy awakening, healing and balancing.

Lo Ban Pai
Intermediate Series

The intermediate series applies cultivated energy in trance-inducing movement and dynamic forms designed to channel chi and awareness for spiritual development by actively connecting with the principles of heaven and earth, which combine with the essence of man. The practitioner learns to direct internal chi in pragmatic and ever-evolving formats.

Lo Ban Pai
Advanced Series

This series encompasses cultivation and full integration of all aspects of Lo Ban Pai, both for esoteric development and optionally for martial application. A highly advanced level that fuses the outer and inner realities into a seamless whole.


This is a bodywork and counseling program. During these one-on-one sessions Lujan will work on any blockages held in the body and will assist in processing any emotional upheavals that occur.


This two-week training transmits a very rare bodywork method of ancient oriental healing. It uses the principles of dragon coiling to transform and restore balance. Students learn to apply it on others and may wish to offer treatment to friends and family or add it to an existing practice. This is a complete course for learning the method.