This powerful set cultivates the three treasures of Jing, Chi and Shen, and is the essential foundation for all further intermediate practices within Lo Ban Pai.
It is both a stand-alone energy cultivation form and progressively integrates the two following movement sets of the intermediate series: Jaguar and Small Mountain.
Cultivation of The Sacred Trinity
The Three Treasures of Jing, Chi and Shen is a familiar concept in Eastern energetic arts and internal alchemy. Although there are no exact translations for these terms they are generally interpreted as Essence, Energy and Spirit.
Each element is important on its own, but in combination, they are the key to utilizing one’s life force to enhance holistic equilibrium and develop a harmonized body consciousness.
The essential goal of all Oriental healing arts is to cultivate, balance and expand the Three Treasures. Jing is transformed into Chi and then into Shen and in this process, we nourish the spirit.
The Three Treasures set, as taught by Lujan Matus, combines focused chi cultivation with advanced dragon coiling as its essential core. It is a multi-level practice, complete in itself, and is also designed to include two additional sets that are added in as they are learned.
The Three Vital Energy Containers
The Three Treasures are known as: Jing—our essence, the primordial energy we inherit from our parents and that we are born with; Chi—our vital force, the energy that flows in and around our bodies and keeps us alive; and Shen—our spirit, our sacred self.
Internal alchemy practices for transmuting these energies are traditionally referred to as “refining essence (Jing) into breath (Chi), refining breath (Chi) into spirit (Shen), and refining spirit (Shen) and returning to Emptiness.”
The three major cauldrons in the body where energy resides are the lower, middle and upper dantiens. Each of these must be constantly activated and replenished so as to generate vibrant health and clarity of perception.
Whereas Jing is stored in the lower dantien; Chi circulates throughout the body, and is also housed in the lower dantien, Shen resides within the heart in combination with the third eye and radiates outward from the whole body. This is why people who have cultivated strong Shen seem to be surrounded by auras of light. The light of someone’s Shen is also said to shine brightly through their eyes.
Dragon coiling acts as a catalyst to activate and open the dantiens to prepare them for absorption of Jing, Chi and Shen. They become stabilized through the creation of a symbiotic connection between one’s awareness and the voluminous potential of these three activated vortexes.
Jing: Essential Energy
The Jing essence is stored in the lower cauldron, which is located slightly below the navel region within the center of the body. This is the primordial essence that we are born with. In order to sustain health, Jing must be constantly nourished by Shen and Chi.
Jing is the source of all development and growth in the body and spirit, and it is closely associated with the sexual energy that forms the basis of our body’s essential life force.
It nourishes our entire organism, especially the reproductive system. It is Jing that imbues every aspect of our lives with the potentiality for development from birth until death, from conception to accomplishment.
Chi: Body Consciousness
The second cauldron is located in the area of the heart chakra and is the primary vortex where Chi gathers. The essence of Jing and Shen are mixed in this central vortex to be transformed and redistributed throughout the other centers. This in turn, strengthens the whole body consciousness.
Many translate Chi as energy, or life force. In the body, it is closely associated with the respiratory system and the breath (like ‘Prana’). In many ways, every metabolic process, every movement, every emotion, every thought, every flickering of consciousness is both governed by, and a direct manifestation of, one’s Chi.
Shen: Interdimensional Awareness
Shen is created through the harmonious union of Jing and Chi, which gives birth to the true self as an entirely new being. Shen shows us our own experiences and guides us through transformation, both inner and outer. It allows us to see and experience parallel realities.
When the heart center is clear and abundant the upper cauldron of the third eye – where the Shen essence resides – becomes activated, connecting the practitioner to multidimensional aspects of their perception
Kung Fu Alchemy and Oriental Shamanism
Not only does the Three Treasures infuse the martial forms with electromagnetism but all of the other sequences within Lo Ban Pai also feed the practice of the Three Treasures. This is possible mainly because the martial forms follow lines of motion determined by the flow of various energies in the body and the expanded biofield surrounding it.
The martial sets incorporated into the Three Treasures are:
1. The Jaguar Series
2. The Small Mountain Series
Once both Jaguar and Small Mountain have been learned they complete the Three Treasures form as one whole.
Holistic Practice
Performing the martial sets is in fact akin to Chi Gong and Nei Gong, for they also follow the Fibonacci principle of spiraling, which in Lo Ban Pai is called dragon coiling.
In contrast to most martial arts, where energy is developed in one practice (chi gong) so that it may be applied in other sets, Lo Ban Pai training saves time with no loss of effectiveness by consistently adopting a comprehensive approach whereby every form progressively addresses many layers of development simultaneously.
The primary focus of the Three Treasures set specifically cultivates the awareness of Jing, Chi and Shen within one form. There is no segregation where these vital elements are developed individually. Again, this supports the amalgamation of the three essential energies as they appear in ‘real life’, coexisting simultaneously.
DNA Activation
The ancient Chinese approach to spiritual development does not emphasize theoretical concepts. Instead, practical techniques are employed to foster esoteric insight as a primary goal while nurturing the energies required to realize the uniqueness of one’s own path.
The Three Treasures set allows the practitioner to activate the dormant capacity of DNA to reawaken and heal the body from within. This opens vast new horizons to be explored.
While we practice the Three Treasures, a portion of our energetic structure phases out of this dimension momentarily. In doing so it accumulates information from other realities that is brought back as knowledge that is pertinent to the practitioner’s evolution. This insight can be utilized and realized if our essential three treasures are clear and open.
The Three Treasures are immensely useful for anyone, especially those interested in Primordial Shen Gong, which becomes available as an option upon completion of the Intermediate Series.
5 Day Program