The Golden Lotus series cultivates chi to stream through and restore balance to the physical and energy body.
It functions similarly to ‘medical’ or ‘longevity’ chi gong, by absorbing and storing the mysterious luminescence that emanates from the full moon (known in Sanskrit as Soma). Applied in combination with the elemental meditation technique that is illustrated in the book Awakening the Third Eye, this graceful set enlivens the capacity to become lucidly focused within one’s dreams. Advanced dragon coiling is introduced in this sequence.

Seamless Integration of Two Forms
This program teaches two sets that are seamlessly woven together as one. The Quetzalcoatl is the shorter sequence with a specific healing focus, which was originally called The Mayan Winged Serpent Series and was taught by Quetzalcoatl in Central America, 1500 years ago. This was integrated into the original Golden Lotus to create an advanced form that has a wider energy cultivation scope and higher potency as a health and longevity practice, with an added element of healing through the absorption of Soma (the nurturing frequency of the moon).
The series contains wide sweeping circles that trace lines all around the body to create a vibrant matrix in the energy field.
This blueprint is nourished and strengthened with daily morning practice performed indoors.
Golden Lotus is a medical chi gong regimen that equals the most powerful practices found in the Orient. This form builds a functional bridge between personal life force and universal energy and gives access to the ability to store chi in the dantiens. It is the beginning of the Intermediate level of Lo Ban Pai.
The Healing Energy of the Moon
Once a month the Golden Lotus is performed in front of the full moon. Moon energy has a special healing quality. This beautiful form is a unique way to cultivate the skill of connecting to vibrational fields at large.
This set is practiced in a static stance that builds strength and endurance.
This establishes within the practitioner a wellspring of electric and magnetic potential that is absorbed from the moon and rises up through the body to the palms to inadvertently embrace the sky through devotional gestures.
Energy Cultivation
Golden Lotus is the first major energy cultivation set. Together with the Fire Turtles and the initial Twisted Root techniques learned in the Gravity series, it helps ground the very important element of storing chi within the practitioner’s discipline.
This form beckons the force of the infinite to make itself felt, thus learning to sense and connect with electromagnetism at large which also has applications for the development of awareness.
Health and Longevity Chi Gong.
The ancient Oriental approach to health is systemic and holistic. This translates into medical chi gong, also known as a devotional practice, that works to balance and unblock on one hand while strengthening and nurturing simultaneously.
Diseased aspects of the biofield are aligned towards harmony, while healthy elements are supported to establish sustainability and longevity. A healthy system is each warrior’s unique and custom-built tool for transformation.
Moon Gazing Techniques
The Golden Lotus has an accompanying elemental gazing technique – described in Lujan’s book Awakening the Third Eye – where the practitioner absorbs the moon’s energy and utilizes its caress for healing. These profoundly trance-inducing meditations are practiced after performing the set when the moon is full.
Lucid Dreaming
The Golden Lotus is used for inducing very deep states of lucidity. Unlike normal dreaming, practicing this form produces visionary imagery that contains an enormous amount of information.
This series awakens the dreamer with plasmic shocks to the lower dantien that simultaneously impact the third eye and result in seeing a white light, which are the filaments produced by the elixir ‘Soma’. The reality of becoming fully aware within one’s dreams whilst being subject to a trance-induced state between sleeping and waking becomes available.
This occurs via the fact that the energy of the full moon imprints upon the consciousness of the practitioner, thus opening a visionary portal instead of the dreamer falling into imprinted socialized sequences.
The practice is repeated four times evenly spaced during the night of the full moon. This produces a very unique lucidity in combination with the Ascension moon-gazing techniques elucidated in Awakening the Third Eye.
Internal Realizations
The practice of the Golden Lotus is trained on a daily basis so as to fortify the physical neural net in terms of becoming familiar with electromagnetic possibilities that are inherently embedded within the movements.
The initiate will learn to reconnect with their sovereign central matrix and to take present composites of data to be resolved in conjunction with all the techniques that are introduced in Awakening the Third Eye.
5 Day Program