The Books of Lujan Matus
The unique teachings of Lujan Matus are a priceless resource of wisdom that pertain directly to human evolution. His responsibility to embody and transmit that legacy defines his purpose and is the driving force behind his work.
As a teacher and guide, Lujan offers tools and techniques that allow you to recognize and develop your own personal relationship with the unknown. He embraces the all-encompassing view of empathy and compassion as the essential foundation of his philosophical approach.
Complex yet practical, each edition builds upon the subtle framework defined by your own personal journey, in accordance with your life path. With each subsequent reading you will discover new aspects of your inner self and deepen your understanding of the very subtle application of empathic communion.
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception
Essentially, this is a guide to activating our hidden reservoirs of multidimensional human potential. As we become immersed in Lujan’s extraordinary life story, a wealth of encrypted knowledge is imperceptibly absorbed. Wellsprings of adaptive wisdom and pragmatic tools for self-liberation trigger a genuine awakening that can’t be ignored.

Awakening the Third Eye
This book offers invaluable insight into how to recognize and develop your own relationship with the magical faculty of third eye seeing and ways to integrate that into daily life practices.
Shadows in the Twilight
When W. L. Ham approaches the Nagual Lujan Matus for insight into enigmatic events that have marked his awareness, what he learns revolutionizes everything he thought he knew. Realizing he has found an authentic guide, Bill enters into an intensive apprenticeship and directly begins to experience our living matrix as the multiplex of lucid interactivity that it truly is.

Whisperings of the Dragon
The revolution begins within, and this is a step-by-step guide to setting your personal metamorphosis in motion, effective immediately. Lujan Matus reveals here, in clear and accessible language, how to recover your authentic self, using the simplest yet most profoundly useful techniques you could ever apply.
Who Am I?: An In-Depth Guide To Empathic Communion
By introducing perspectives that enable us to look beyond the thresholds we are contained within, this book shines a powerful light upon the lies and limitations that have been perpetuated towards humankind. Controversial and necessary, these internal illuminations have the power to change the world, for they will change you.

The Art of Lo Ban Pai
This handbook outlines the essential elements of Lo Ban Pai as a philosophy, along with a complete overview of all the programs available to be undertaken under the guidance of Lujan Matus. If you have found this book, you are ready to take a major step forward within your own spiritual journey. Lujan’s students typically are those who have been searching for something much more than the commonly available, who take responsibility for their own development and who seek the eminently practical and powerful that encompasses the magical and mystical that surrounds us.
Oracle of the Heart: Whisperings of Wisdom for Daily Reflection
A collection of sayings, quotes, and nuggets of wisdom extracted from the literary works and workshops of Lujan Matus.

The Power of Emptiness
Take up this book and open your heart to some of the most profound wisdom being transmitted on the planet. Lujan Matus teaches directly from the heart, from his inner-most being, and this is what makes his transmissions shine with an intensity rarely, if ever, seen. He is himself a Master for our time, and this is not an exaggeration but a witnessing. Let his words wash over you, let the language transport you into your own journey within—a voyage that never ends, but may just very well begin within these pages.