Welcome to the Art of Lo Ban Pai
This handbook outlines the essential elements of Lo Ban Pai as a philosophy, along with a complete overview of all the programs available to be undertaken under the guidance of Lujan Matus.
If you have found this book, you are ready to take a major step forward within your own spiritual journey. Lujan’s students typically are those who have been searching for something much more than the commonly available, who take responsibility for their own development and who seek the eminently practical and powerful that encompasses the magical and mystical that surrounds us.
Within our living construct is an all-embracing consciousness that awaits our sincere gestures to establish contact with it. Everybody is seeking that communion. The movements within Lo Ban Pai provide an astonishingly fast connection with the unknown which often shocks practitioners with its immediacy. The feelings of gravity and magnetism that arrive in one’s hands become obvious after only a few moments under Lujan’s tutelage, and will provide you with an endlessly renewing source of inspiration to continue upon your journey.
Lo Ban Pai goes beyond the system of movements, encompassing also the teachings of Lujan Matus. Within Lujan’s writings are incredible amounts of information that will assist you in gaining access to your internal vortices and thus awaken you to your own personal power. These books invite you to read them again and again, each time revealing greater depth in accordance with your own progression, taking you yet further forward.
When you undertake tuition, you will directly discover the world of the intuitive empath and learn to alter the intimate details of your timeline, beyond the present engineered consciousness.
You will be gently shown the interferences that are part of the socially conditioned response of many individuals living upon this planet, which may be blocking you from being who you really are. This will empower you to move toward the purest form of your predetermined life path.
If you are wondering how Lo Ban Pai can affect such profound changes within your life, we invite you to explore the multitude of testimonials from Lujan’s students that can be found on the Parallel Perception website. On the front page of the site you will also find an outline of some of the manifest benefits you are likely to experience, which are worth repeating here:
Lo Ban Pai will help you:
• Increase your energy
• Cultivate personal power
• Awaken heart consciousness
• Access your third eye capacity
• Promote optimal health and vitality
• Improve muscle strength and flexibility
• Experience heightened states of awareness
Welcome to what you have been looking for.
This book is a compilation of material from the Parallel Perception website describing the art of Lo Ban Pai and the various programs offered by Lujan Matus. It was created on the request of Lujan’s students to have the information available in a readily accessible format.