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Testimonial – The Gravity Series

I recently attended Lujan’s Lo Ban Pai Gravity Series workshop. I have previously attended training in other Lo Ban Pai forms, providing me with some contextual understanding of the Gravity Series in relation to later series.

Though a beginner’s form and relatively easy to learn, within the movements are complexities which I believe will benefit those who choose to progress within Lo Ban Pai because parts and essences of those complexities can be found in other forms. The Gravity Series provides, therefore, a strong foundation, including assisting the learning of one’s body consciousness of the formations through memories to take into later Series.

The movements really ground you – on completing the set, the gravitational pull of your self into the ground is often strong enough to almost prevent one from straightening one’s legs.

The benefits of such a strong grounding cannot be underestimated, including pulling oneself into one’s body and into our hearts and out of the head – becoming reconnected to our bodies through which is our connection with our planet, our fellow beings, and our spirit.

As part of Gravity, Lujan taught vigorous movements, including such as “washing the bones”, to stretch tendons, open joints, warm muscles, increase flexibility, improve energy flow, and strengthen generally all parts of the body. Some of these movements are in part included within the vigorous movements within Opening The Tao. Again, one can see how the Gravity Series is a solid foundation laid for later progression, movement-wise, energetically, in understanding, and in variously opening of oneself as examples.

The series is also very much about joy. The movements enable the flowing of energies to spiral up through one’s body from the Dantian up through the heart center and beyond. These energy movements invoke and release joy, which is our natural state, with the free-flowing of energies and connections into our heart center a major source.

The internal spiraling being part of internal Kung Fu, the movements freeing and moving the Dantian, releasing our energies within, creating connections, fortifying ourselves.

It is only a few weeks from the training yet noticeable changes for me have already happened. I find myself more relaxed. My body craves the movements, constantly wanting me to repeat the forms and I find myself physically moving through my life with more grace in my motions. My body shape has changed, enlarging arm muscles and strengthening my legs. My balance has improved, as has my sleep.

Any training with Lujan is not just about the physical forms of Lo Ban Pai of course, with the great insights and transmissions to the group that assists with personal growth and removing blockages to higher frequencies of consciousness. Adaptive to the group, what is received is applicable to each individually although seemingly addressed to the whole: the nature of an intuitive empath speaking to the heart of each person present.

All of the benefits of the series and the teachings cannot be conveyed in a testimonial such as this because so much is received and much of what is so is not immediately apparent but revealed along one’s own path: part of the magic of Lujan’s teaching and presence.

A major benefit of attending these workshops is being with others who by their presence add to the energies of giving and receiving, of learning and understanding. Thank you so much to everyone who attended.

If you are presented with an opportunity to attend such a workshop of Lujan’s or indeed receive other forms of tuition from him, I highly recommend your taking of that opportunity – you will not be disappointed.

Love to all


We are now accepting registrations for small group training in Lo Ban Pai in Sedona, Arizona in 2020.

Please register via the link below: