Lujan Matus is offering a group workshop
in the Gravity Series from September 30th-October 4th, 2019 in Sedona, Arizona. This course does not require any prerequisites and is open to students of all levels. Complete beginners can attend and be able to perform the movements easily.

The Gravity Series
The Gravity Series is a very beautiful, simple system of elegant movements that align the practitioner with the six directions and establishes the foundation for the luminous cocoon as an energy bubble to be tangibly realized. This series activates the capacity for the practitioner of Lo Ban Pai to connect with the inner workings of the fascia via internal alignments that are applied within every other form in the system. Though Gravity contains advanced teachings, it is an important system to be implemented at the very beginning since it contains crucial principles for all following programs.
Introduction to the Six Directions and the Harmonies
Being instructed in the Gravity series informs your biofield how to focus your energy within the six directions and contains detailed teachings in the application of the harmonies. You will learn how to focus your intention in a forward, linear fashion, which, in combination with further techniques that are revealed in this form, develops your capacity to internally activate your radiance. Gravity practices inevitably expand the voluminous viscosity of the energy bubble, 360-degrees and in the six directions, which will continue to increase in both scope and density as one matures in this discipline.
Photons and the Expansion of Radiance
Regularly performing the Gravity series will allow you to obtain the intentions within another’s body when you are in proximity with them, as long as your intent is pure. It will also develop your capacity to intuitively know when another human being’s awareness is focused upon your luminous bubble, even from great distances. These abilities are contingent upon an empty perspective on your part, one that bears no agenda.
In tandem with the physical gestures, you will learn methods of sending your etheric roots deep into the ground and simultaneously drawing energy from the sky into the body. Practitioners report powerful sensations during these exercises that confirm reciprocity from the environment.
One’s field of potential becomes so voluminous that this practice eventually yields access to the matrix that is the blueprint of the planet. Elements that bear relevance to your circumstance are naturally revealed as you absorb chi from the environment. In other words, information about what is currently active in that vast auric field spontaneously becomes available to your awareness.
Some have referred to this kind of phenomena as accessing the Akashic files, which is most often interpreted as a kind of cosmic vault of past and future records. This framework within itself opens up the contradictory terms of time being identified in a linear format. However, our actual experience also encompasses non-linear processes, within the profound mysteries of our circumstance revealing itself in the ever-present moment that is continually escaping us.
Health and Magnetism
Gravity increases the practitioner’s ability to absorb and store the appropriate light photons, which the body innately knows to draw towards itself. It will always take exactly what is needed and nothing more, if that particular frequency is available in the surrounding environment.
Amongst the treasures belonging to the Gravity series is a rare technique that teaches you how to use the lower dantien to increase the capacity of the body to send chi into the four extremities through a method of compression that allows one to collect and store energy.
Essential breathing techniques are introduced that deepen your connection to the practice and educate one to the subtle yet crucial difference that refined breath work makes to movement, presence and perception.
Harvesting Electromagnetic Chi
Through profound grounding and bone alignment techniques, combined with specific visualizations, Gravity opens up internal spiral pathways within the biofield to facilitate an unimpeded flow of electric and magnetic chi.
No previous training or experience is required to engage in this form, and profound outcomes will be observable from the beginning. Extraordinary collective results have been experienced during Gravity workshops, whereby entire groups are simultaneously affected by pronounced electromagnetic phenomena.
Connectivity and Lo Ban Pai
Though a standalone practice within itself, the principles of Gravity fortify every other form. Through applying what is learned in this primary series your gestures will become infused with tangible vitality, which directly allows one to realize the importance of this finely tuned connection to our electric and magnetic potential, both in Lo Ban Pai and in life.
The Workshop Location
Sedona, Arizona is surrounded by 1.8 million acres of national forest land, offering easy access to spectacular hiking trails and stunning scenery. When USA Weekend created their list of the Most Beautiful Places in America, Sedona was right at the top.
This area is considered sacred by Native Americans and continues to be recognized as a place of spiritual renewal. It is perhaps best known for its vortexes, swirling centers of energy that are conducive to healing, meditation, and self-exploration. Vortexes can be described as places where the earth seems especially alive.
Although the entire region can be regarded as a vortex, there are specific sites where the energy can be felt more intensely and each site radiates its own special energy. The vortexes are also located at some of the most incredibly scenic spots found among the towering red rock formations.
The raw physical beauty of the landscape automatically recalibrates your awareness. Sedona is a place that can make you feel inspired, recharged, soothed and uplifted. For many, just being there can facilitate a spiritual awakening and profound personal transformation.
This is the perfect place to undertake training in Lo Ban Pai. Lujan has visited many power spots and sacred sites around the world and he has been most profoundly impacted by the energy of Sedona.
Arrival and Visas
Most visitors fly into Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport because it is the closest major International airport to Sedona, and is just over two hours’ drive (119 miles). From there you can either rent a car, book a shuttle service, arrange a taxi or travel via rideshare.
Students traveling to the United States need to obtain a visitor visa unless qualifying for entry under the Visa Waiver Program. You should schedule an appointment for your visa interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you live.
The Daily Schedule
For five days from Monday, September 30th to Friday, October 4th there will be two training sessions daily; one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Each day there will be a long break for lunch and students can choose to eat in local restaurants, or return to their hotel rooms.
Students are responsible for finding their own accommodation for the workshop. A wide range of options are available including private apartments, Airbnb, bed and breakfasts, motels and high-quality resorts.
If it flows I would go…very exiting to hear of your coming to the states ? So much love to you
Much love to you too
Thank you Lujan for revealing this important informations within this beautiful description. It almost brought me to tears to read this, because it correlates exactly with the events I have experienced after learning Gravity in Bucharest. Only the description alone is a gift.
I recommend to everybody to take this unique opportunity if possible.
lots love
Lots of love to you too
Wow! This will be phenomenal!
Todly – have missed you.