This application for the 2017 Parallel Perception Scholarship was submitted by Seini.  If you would like to offer your support for Seini please leave a comment at the end of this blog post.

I know now, what is missing from my life, my movement and my body. Shamanic Movement, Lo Ban Pai, this is my reason why I am writing this today.

Yesterday, I had my first ever hypnosis. It was a Quantum Healing that felt so familiar, the energy of it brought memories flooding back of moments when I have heard Lujan’s voice, experienced a meditation or had his words from his books enliven through my imagination as I see within myself and through the pages of his experiences, something that invites me to learn more.

Being lulled into this state and holding my consciousness in various states, as well as being so aware of what was happening with my body on different levels in a state of rest, I found my dreaming-self invigorated with memories, some of which had not yet had me live through them, as I am here now. I’ve felt the wish for guidance from Lujan, a knowledgeable source.

Whilst I had this profound experience, I came to realise how much I “miss” communing with what Lujan Matus shares, while being suspended in a state of a cohesive dialogue between the various parts of my consciousness. The signs have been everywhere around me for months now – I’ve noticed so many places Lujan & what I have experienced to date has been illuminated to me in various settings.

It feels light, like a bright idea that is a gentle humming and feels like a smile.. or a heart smiling. My general feeling is that now is time. I deeply wish to embody the art forms, the practices and to learn and be taught ways that help to make One a more actively whole person, at One, connected through wellness with others and all that is. This would be love in action, so much of my environment and my experiences have unfolded my own warrior nature. I would love to connect more with having some good living guidance in the physical realm.

Next week, I will get my first ever Tatau markings. My most elevated parts confirm that these markings will help ground me in all I do & what is coming. I’m dreaming forwards some ‘navigational’ markings that are reminiscent of time-space symbols from my genetic lines and I feel wonderful about bringing these markings to life embellishing my own genetic make up with these intentions. I have had so many dreamings of my markings occurring and emanating outwards, for decades and decades now. They have evaded me as there has not been the correct alignment in symbols, intention, body and marker to facilitate this into actuality. Now, it can happen, so this makes me happy to finally realise the inspiration.

I have been feeling like I am flying lately – vibrationally elevated in flow. Flying through crowds, atop the emotions, the pulsations that I sense in the vibes of all of those who surround me. I just don’t feel like I need to hide nor scream nor battle anymore – something is awakening in me, a warrior part.

Being in contact with Lujan’s teachings always had a very strong, sometimes near-overwhelming effect on me. His energy wakes up sections of me that were blocked for my safety and survival, however, I am more ready to allow, accept and flow with whatever comes. I don’t know where all of this certainty comes from hahaha, it’s just there now.

I have been feeling the calling again – to study, train and learn from Lujan. I heard something recently that talked about having to ‘call your calling’. That your calling calls you but you must also call it back. Like pick-up-the-phone and put in a call, so that your calling may answer you back and then, there may be dialogue and the makings of co-creation.

So, here I am, calling the calling. Feeling so much more clear than I have ever felt in many many years. For no other reason than I can feel that the time, space, people and myself are adequately aligned, so I feel ready.

Physical health wise, I am in my most needy state for wellness, harmony and energetic strengthening than I have ever been before, in this life. I seek a better relationship with my body and this is something that helps me acknowledge the need for responsible holistic action on my part.

I am ready for a Teacher and ever since I became aware of Lujan and his work, I have known that one day, I will be ready to activate becoming a student of Lo Ban Pai. So, I write this with that willingness in heart, mind and oneness of being.

with love,








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