This application for the 2017 Parallel Perception Scholarship was submitted by Rashmi. If you would like to offer your support for Rashmi please leave a comment at the end of this blog post.

I came across Lujan Matus a while ago while googling information on a leopard’s tooth as a totem for my sons healing and became interested in his teachings.

I haven’t really delved into the books which Lujan kindly offered for free but I know in my heart there is something in them for me. I keep reading here and there but I need to resolve to finish reading one book at a time and absorb it . I can barely wait to read Shadows in the Twilight, which I am looking forward to receiving by post any day soon. At the same time I have been interested in Qigong and Tai Chi.

I barely give ‘time’ to myself and instead focus on being a responsible housewife. There have been a great many challenges in my life and I wish I could understand and love my family and accept them for who they are.

I have twin boys and their lives and stories have affected me greatly.I just wish I could go back to their childhood days and loved them even more for sometimes I feel their lives and stories would have been different if I had known myself better and then their upbringing would not have been the same. I never really bonded with them. Life was just something that was happening.

The last four weeks has been frightening. I underwent an angioplasty and something doesn’t feel the same. Death is right here whispering in my ears. And there’s fear!

Fear of what? I question myself time and again. And now how can I not love ?

The world is my mirror and no matter what I have to return love for hate. People’s behaviours are because of a lack of awareness and I have to work on myself instead of throwing justifications on how they should behave.

I also empathize with the world around me. There is disease and suffering all around.Living my truth would heal the web of dismay into one of unity and tolerance and Love.

I would like to transform worry into confidence and be guided by the Living Intelligence. I would like to empower myself with Lo Ban Pai and interacting with Lujan .

Our entire planet needs to be healed and I want to be of service.

Much love to all of you,


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