A Verse from the Tao Te Ching


As I listened to the interview about The Moral Imperative over again, I began to be so drawn in to much of what Lujan was expressing that I decided to transcribe parts of the video. I share those here with others who might benefit from these words. I also had a question that I will get to at the end of this entry.

This exchange starts at about minute 32 into the video. Bridgette was talking about using or “building” on what a person has learned to aid others. Lujan responded:

“Here’s the kicker with that: You can’t really expect to build anything. The moment you expect something in return then it really won’t build for you in the way that it’s meant to be built. So you have to build without expecting to build anything. You’ve got to do the work and when the work’s done, then you reap the rewards you’ve been working for. You don’t know what those rewards are going to be. You can’t expect specifics. If you expect specifics, then that becomes isolated. That becomes personalized because you expected it.

“ …I could look at my whole life and say, ‘How did I get here?’ And I really don’t know how I got here. And I don’t really expect to be the person I am, but I arrive upon the unexpected part of myself because I really don’t have an idea of who I’m going to be. I don’t really know what that’s going to be until the next moment. So there’s no expectation, there’s only hard work.

“I don’t have an expectation of a result. All I’m doing is looking for that gravity while I’m doing my work in terms of my physical work, which takes about six hours a day. Doing that work without an expectation and only looking for the gravity is all there is.

“If you feel energy and love and compassion for your circumstances and don’t feel self-important enough to be upset, then you know that you’ve progressed to be certain that you don’t know who you’re going to be in the next moment.

“Things are just the way they are, and it is just the way it is. And there’s no way to re-correct anything that’s already been done. You can only monitor who you are. And even that is only done at the moment you are communicating. So if you’re not communicating with someone else there’s nothing that you can do wrong because you can’t offend yourself or do anything that can be really wrong there. Your self-reflection is completely gone. Your self-reflection has got to do with your moral imperative in terms of being with other people. That can only be measured when you have the feeling, ‘Oh, I did the wrong thing or I feel empty enough to be happy,’ to see into that individual’s dilemma to help them without them even knowing. This is the only measuring tool we’ve got.”

Lujan, my question has to do with your comment on self-reflection. “Your self-reflection has got to do with your moral imperative in terms of being with other people.”

What then is our imperative when we are alone?

In other words, when we are in solitary mode, how can we set the proper intent for day-to-day living, including our daily tasks and responsibilities, in order to align ourselves in the best possible way?

And lastly, I came across this verse from the Tao Te Ching that struck me as fitting perfectly with this post.

The sage is kind to those who are kind
He is also kind to those who are not kind.
It is the kindness of Action itself.
He is trustworthy to those who are trustworthy.
He is also trustworthy to those who are not trustworthy.
It is the trustworthiness of Action itself.
In the world, the sage inhales.
For the world, the sage keeps the mind simple.
All people are fixated on the ears and eyes
while the sage always smiles like a child.

Thank you so much, Lujan!

Love and Hugs,

Beautiful transcription Liz. I’ve decided to do the next interview with Naomi Jean as the host. This way we can keep very targeted answers toward the questions everyone has asked.

Liz, you really inspire me as a teacher and I am so happy that you have taken the time to transcribe. It shows me who you are once again. I was considering writing a book on The Moral Imperatives and calling it “Communion” and this book would completely immerse the reader in the implications of galactic consciousness. As a species we have to come to terms with the fact that we are not the only living planet in this universe. We are not alone and all the lessons that I have specifically written in all my books relate to coming to terms with the most delicate factor that the human race will ever become confronted with, learning to commune with highly evolved beings beyond our capacity. This is done wordlessly.

Most of what everyone reads in Whisperings of the Dragon is simply the method of communicating as an empathic being with beings that have been traversing our universe inter-dimensionally.

I will answer your questions in the upcoming interview and fully divulge why it is necessary for us to be without thought and accommodate other beings within our formlessness and why it is so important to listen to what we realize by seeing who we commune with before us as a visual composite, identifying our self within another.

The next interview will lean towards our true evolutionary path and hopefully help people realize that the stilted confines of our domesticated consciousness must be awakened so that we can move out of the gilded cage that confines our awareness within the limited frameworks of what we all consider as our so-called advanced methods of communication that is no longer practical and is harming us all irreversibly if we do not contain, identify and isolate what is really happening to us as a species.

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