
Learning Dragon’s Tears is a very direct way to develop an active relationship with chi, or the energetic currents that flow within our body and in the world at large. For me, these sessions of Dragon’s Tears have been the most unmistakable experiences of chi that I’ve ever had. I have practiced many forms of movement including Swimming Dragon, Capoeira, Yoga and various forms of dance, all of which were highly enriching and challenging in different ways, but none of which had the immediacy of the energetic effects of Dragon’s Tears, especially when combined with Tapping.

Dragon’s Tears surpasses ordinary physical practices. This series has magical qualities that become apparent when practiced and powerful upon refinement. What is transmitted within the movements is layered and subtle, extending beyond what meets the eye and drawing one into alignment with a mesmeric flow of shamanic purpose.

Informed by an in depth knowledge of the functional (muscular, nerve and energetic/meridian) systems within the body as well as the adept application of age-old martial techniques, Dragon’s Tears’ origins are clearly ancient and more than a little mystical. Practicing brings into play our intimate connection with a vast and unfathomable universal network, sensed through the energetic link that arrives into our hands and surrounds in ribbons and forcefields, becoming startlingly obvious at times.

I have been learning Dragon’s Tears for the last three weeks and I can feel that I am becoming more contained and potent. I’ve tasted new levels of intuition and dreaming that I am certain are linked to this practice and which for me are very encouraging signs that I am on the right path. I am grateful to have the opportunity to dive right in to such interesting aspects of experience through the discovery of these movements.

The form itself is fairly detailed to learn but such is it’s essential nature that the body is compelled to remember and perform the sequences with uncanny magnetism. I have been surprised by how quickly myself and others were able to absorb so much bodily and energetic information.

Electromagnetism plays a big part in the practice as all movements address different levels of the whole organism, including chakra centers, internal organs, articulations and bone marrow. Gestures glide along currents and channels that draw the hands into the right place and define points of arrival, felt as pressures, edges and even walls of energy that guide the precision of ones movements.

The relationship with chi becomes absorbing and enjoyable as it tingles and dances in the hands, strong and present yet delicate and elusive. There is a fine line to be found – clearly indicated when practicing by the sensations that appear – between activation and allowing. If the hands are too relaxed, no energy comes. The gestures and mudras must be ‘activated’ at all times and the form practiced with full engagement. At the same time if the movements are overstated this disallows the reception of that which arrives. Attempting to forcefully elicit the process yields no result other than a blunt experience of that exertion.

These are powerful living metaphors which, when experienced as a bodily truth, are deeply absorbed as life lessons: known without needing to be explained and more fully understood than through the medium of the mind.

The sensations of drawing, absorbing and cooperating with chi are very agreeable and make you want to dive deeper into this subtle yet powerful exchange. The motivation to continue is invited and rewarded as the intricacies that facilitate the true magic within the movements are fascinating to discover, unlocking wellsprings of energy and sensitivity. As the practice deepens you begin to forget yourself in the sorceric flow that is the true hallmark of Dragon’s Tears and each session yields new thresholds of experience.

Naomi Jean