My experience learning the first part of the Jaguar Series was very fascinating. Practicing with Lujan had a very surreal quality to it. I initially and still do feel sort of like a rising pressure and heat in the center of my body that is very cleansing, and I’m starting to get a sense of the explosiveness contained within the movements.
Lujan told me when first starting that the mind would shut off during practicing…I’m not sure this completely registered with me until I discovered at one point that I was having trouble thinking of what movement to do next. It was like every time I tried to think of the next step I would get tripped up. However, I quickly adjusted as I found that when I was about to hit a wall or a limit as to what I could do Lujan magically navigated me around it.
After returning home, I’ve found that my mind just randomly seems to shut off and have no thoughts at times, which is a very pleasant feeling. Which has happened again right now as I’m thinking about the Jaguar Series while writing this! Similarly, after practicing for some time I’ve also noticed that I’ve started to have dreams of just being in a complete black or empty space…like I would walk from a normal dream into a dream that contained nothing or something would trigger the dream to change to one of nothingness.
Having the Dragon’s Tears series I had learned refined was also profound. Practicing feels much more fluid and energetic now…sometimes when the electromagnetic energy is very intense it almost feels as if I’m holding something in my hand while at other points it’s as if I’m running my hand through a ball of heat. I know there was one day after practicing where we went to sit outside with our feet on the tile…which felt warm. Then Lujan mentioned to touch the tile with my hand and it was actually cold. I believe this heat was from the energy generated from the earth, which is pretty amazing.
Tapping never ceases to amaze me as well. I feel it allows me to start each day with a clean slate…very little if anything is carried over from the previous day. And the physical results are very apparent as well. I might have to start buying new clothes soon