Testimonial – Online Spiritual Guidance
After finding Lujan’s website when a friend guided me in his direction, I started listening to The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception. And then I listened a second time. And I am certain I will many times more.
It feels like one long inhale and exhale to me. It is so profound and nourishing. For the first time, I felt I have met someone that has a mapped out understanding of things I keep thinking about, touch on or that keep crossing my path and are a puzzle to me. By now I have read all his books and consider them a treasure.
Lujan was offering his Online Spiritual Guidance program and I knew I needed to engage with this possibility since I feel I can not leave for days on end due to health concerns that my husband is facing.
So I met Lujan Matus via Skype calls, five of them. An hour each time, it flew past. His warmth and sincerity is so touching. He is full of good humor and laughter, something that is quite astounding after listening to his books, that are so sincere and full of dire information and urgency.
Within two-three sessions I felt a great quietude settle in. My anxiety about finding my purpose, which at times had felt frantic, has solidified into calm resolve to strengthen my power and dedicate myself to my life that is right in front of me.
This is such a great relief for me. It sounds so simple and it is. Implementing it will take all that I am.
Surprisingly the calls have been quite practical teachings, with physical aspects that will be there for me to practice and focus on while I dedicate every day to gratitude and be open to what appears for me.
A universe has opened during our time together. Internal referencing versus external referencing was always a concept that I understood intellectually. Lujan Matus found a way to transmit this principle to me, on the phone, and make it a physical experience that my body will keep recognizing.
I am so grateful for this opportunity, my wonderful husband, who is so excited for me to gain these insights, for Lujan and his wife Mizpah for their time and efforts and their open hearts to share their experiences and expertise.
Hopefully one day we will meet in person.
Thank you so much.
We are now accepting registrations for Online Spiritual Guidance throughout the year as well as small group training in Sedona, AZ from July-December 2020.
Please register via the link below: