This application for the 2019 Parallel Perception Scholarship was submitted by Adrian. This year the recipient will receive either attendance at the Gravity Series Workshop or participation in the Online Spiritual Guidance program. If you would like to offer your support for Adrian please leave a comment at the end of this blog post.

I know this is a late submission, but I just felt that I needed to get something in to show my appreciation to Lujan and become part of this family of warriors he’s created.

Three years ago I started listening to, The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception, and soon after performed, The Mirror Technique. Since then, I have changed as a person in very transformative ways.

For me, Lujan’s teachings are more than a lucky encounter. They are an interdimensional gift from the unknown inextricably connected to my destiny. I say this because Lujan has affected my very way of being and touched so many parts of my life, altering my past, present, and future.

To speak of my ever unfolding story with Lujan is difficult because there are so many things I can speak to. I can tell of the mystical sense I have of this being as a presence in my life from another time. I can tell you how he taught me to gaze upon stars, to see, hear, and feel an intangible force that is beyond our five senses, and so much more.

Lujan has taught me to find dormant parts of my awareness and cast out unwanted parts to the places they belong. He has defined new confines within my awareness from where I observe everything that follows. He has taught me to silence my inner dialogue, live with impeccability, erase doubt, communion with will, and command my attention. He has also taught me to exercise kindness, live with other humans through empathic communion, and that initiation is a process of becoming an adult.

However, for this writing I would like to briefly explain why I believe Lujan’s teachings are so very precious to me and different from any other spiritual teachings I have encountered: It is because Lujan is my nagual.

As my nagual, Lujan has the ability to connect to the intent within my life in order to deliver messages into my heart. I experienced this after interpreting omens that led me to deep insights about human behavior and shadow attention. I’m not the kind of guy walking around searching for omens, but I can not deny my experience that day, and I know it was a connection to Lujan that provided the interpretation.

This is why I believe Lujan’s words are not just words, but a magical syntax that connects to the intent that permeates his initiates lives. Lujan’s teachings have been so profound because I feel that an etheric part of him connects with my perspective of awareness, from where I am able to witness my behaviors outside the boundaries of my own limitations and come to terms with my circumstance in the most loving way possible.

I have read and listened to Lujan’s other initiates and have been moved by all of their stories. It is striking how we all speak in a similar language to express our newfound understandings that Lujan has brought to us. For me, this is another testament to the undeniable power of Lujan’s teachings.

I am happy to be able to speak this language of personal power and promise to honor Lujan’s life and teachings, as through his life and teachings he has brought honor to me.

Wonderful Dreaming,


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