This application for the 2017 Parallel Perception Scholarship was submitted by Melody. If you would like to offer your support for Melody please leave a comment at the end of this blog post.
When I was 21 years old, I began experimenting in meditation without any guidance. Meditation became an act of power, where I could use my imagination to summon up and control circumstances outside of myself. It was exciting and intoxicating … It was pure magick.
Little did I know, I was being seduced by the rhythms of a snake charmer’s flute. After many months, my dreams became vivid and lucid … and then … they became terrifying! At the peak of this life-shattering period, I was afraid to close my eyes, for I was no longer controlling what I was seeing behind my lids. Something else was controlling my visions! It felt like I had lost control of my own mind.
I stopped meditating cold turkey, as I was sure I was demonically possessed. The fear and dread that ensued was all consuming. At one point, I didn’t think I was going to make it through the night.
Weeks before, I had made a snap decision to book a flight to the interior of British Columbia to visit my dad, who I hadn’t seen in seven years. (He had appeared to me in one of my vivid dreams.) After arriving and explaining my desperate situation, my dad and his wife tried to straighten me out as best they could. They came from an unshakable foundation of Christian beliefs, which thankfully gave me an anchor in my sea of turmoil, and helped me cast out the shadow.
Regardless, the fall-out when I returned home to university life in Toronto was nuclear. I felt elevators moving sideways; I couldn’t speak properly; I was so disoriented that it felt like my soul and body had been ripped apart and I couldn’t glue them back together. Complete and utter alienation was my best friend, as I found it difficult to explain what the hell was going on with me to anyone else, for I, myself didn’t know.
Fast forward to the present, and I realize that this Dark-Night-of-the-Soul episode was meant to put me on a shamanic path – the road less-traveled! Although it took well over a decade to recover from this incident, it drove me to relentlessly hack my own path through the jungle. I read, watched and listened to every spiritual, metaphysical, healing, and quantum physics book or teaching I could get my hands on along the way.
In my mid-thirties, I did go back to meditation with a binaural beat program called Holosync and stuck with it consistently, well into my forties. Not only did it make me feel immensely better, my terrifying dreams disappeared altogether. It truly purified my vibrations. Combined with all the research I did over the past 3 decades, I’m now a well-adjusted, happy and extremely grateful person.
Much to my delight, earlier this year I came across Lujan’s The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception book on Audible. Not only did it give me the dark forces explanation and clarity I desperately needed in my twenties, it felt like a home-coming.
Lujan’s prose and profound content is cold lemonade on a hot day for my thirsty soul. I am grateful to Lujan for standing tall within the masterpiece of his destiny; for being the vessel of Lo Ban Pai’s teachings and shamanic movements, and for his unwavering purity of heart.
My focus in working with Lujan is not to become a shaman. I see this as more of a side-effect. I have a predominant Liberator archetype that inspires me to free myself and others from self-limiting beliefs, perceptions, and habits. I’m also keenly interested in learning how we can evolve ourselves as a species past the influence of shadow forces.
I am therefore, magnetically drawn to Ascension and Golden Age material. Many believe there’s an influx of light energy permeating the earth’s surface and our bodies, which will intensify in the coming years. Grounding this light energy in our bodies and our DNA may be the key to unlocking the 4th and 5th dimensional Ascension energies within us, so that we can solve and evolve past 3rd dimensional Earth challenges.
I have not yet worked with Lujan or learned any of the Lo Ban Pai shamanic movements. I am drawn to experience and practice these movements and those from the Three Treasures Workshop to see what emerges from within me, from a light-capacity perspective. To play a part in the dawning of a Golden Age, I’m excited to study with Lujan, and shine, shine, shine!
Toronto, Canada
I would like to support Melody for the scholarship. Her post reminds me so much of myself and what my path has been like. Not that I was being terrorized, but the shadow’s control over my thoughts and actions severely interfered with my life. I also started meditation at about 21, but I stuck with my whole life. I’ve also studied everything spiritual and metaphysical that I could get my hands on. I found Lujan’s ‘The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception’ about 9 years ago and have read it at least 10 times. I’m very grateful for the understanding of what it is we’re really fighting, because before that my progress was much slower.
Because I relate so well to Melody, I hope she gets the scholarship.
May we all find Peace, Kerry
thank you for Sharing Melody.
May the light be with you and shine upon this beautiful planet. May it guide you and give faith to those in need.