I just have to write to you my latest experience in my daily practice of your teachings: Dragon’s Tears, the earth grounding effects of the Eight Gates of Dreaming Awake and the Mirror technique.
These teachings have given me the tools to handle a very difficult situation in my family. I am surprised at how I can see myself being mirrored by my relationships and even by my physical environment. And I also see the intervention of Spirit interwoven in all these to help me become better than who I was as a social being and towards my true being.
What happened was I became ill. I used to see an illness as a dysfunction and has to be cured from a point of view of a healer. Yet, when I was sick with fever and have other ailments, I come to see the usefulness of this event as life changing. I communed with my body and in those feverish moments, I saw my social bindings and how I relate to those close to me.
I usually will drown in self-pity expecting to be taken care of in times of illness. There was no attack of self- pity. I felt free to objectively see my situation since I am forced by the circumstance to lay in bed and reflect. I noticed that the internal dialogue is not self destructive but I wrestled with it in those feverish times.
Despite being ill I forced myself to do the gentle moves of Dragon’s Tears. To my amazement, every time I perform the movements the fever breaks and I have to change my sweat soaked clothes after the practice. I had a fever for several days which I refused to take over the counter medication knowing that these so called drugs takes a toll on the liver and kidneys.
I kept on hydrating myself using coconut water and home cooked soup every hour I am awake. Got over the fever in less than a week. I craved for raw fruits and if not available I settled with the dried mix with nuts after soaking them in hot boiled water. Mizpah, my body thanks you for your Raw Food Solution. I am not fully on raw food but I get your message slowly but surely.
To top all this, today I turned on my iPad to listen to the audio of the 8 Gates intending to start my daily meditation. I was pleasantly surprised when it suddenly played without me touching the buttons, the song “Amazing Grace”.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see…
How cool is that? Felt like serenaded by infinity.
Thank you, Lujan for the affection and kind words. With much love to you and Mizpah
It is so wonderful that you are progressing on your path with such positivity. The true essence of shamanism is really not what you expect but what delivers you to a moment that yields itself to you beyond our gentle grasps.
Lots of love to you.