Firstly, I would like to elucidate an experience that I have had over the last couple of days.
At the moment I am studying with Dr. Robert Morse to become a detoxification specialist. I was watching one of his DVD’s and he said he was having great success healing a group of people from one particular malady. There was an individual who wasn’t responding to the herbal medicine. So he went to the person in questions house and discovered that he was in an environment where they were frying food.
Thus Dr. Morse came to the conclusion that the client was consuming the fried food through breathing it in. Consequently, he could not heal from the illness.
He was removed from this environment and very quickly he started getting better.
At the moment I am 100 percent raw – 95 percent fruitarian – and undertaking a herbal detox program. I was teaching my student Windlock and the garlic I had up on the blinds as a decoration fell to the floor. Upon that point the room was filled with this beautiful smell of garlic. I immediately picked it up and accidentally put it on top of my lamp.
The next day the room was filled with this beautiful fragrance. So then my wife decided to cut the rosemary I had hanging up and combine the two fragrances. This was just amazing!
In one the world wars they used to burn rosemary and juniper as a disinfection agent. Thus, we knew the fragrance of garlic and rosemary will kill any mold, bacteria or viral contaminants in the air by virtue of being on top of the lamp.
The next few days I was engrossed in coming downstairs into our lounge room, smelling this beautiful combined odor, knowing that it has a cleansing effect through the olfactory organs. While sitting down enjoying the fragrance, I said to my beautiful wife, “My God! Maybe this is how breatharianism works. The flavor is so satisfying and the goodness of what is in the air is obviously entering my body, the same way the fried food entered the system of Dr. Morse’s client.”
So I really believe I am onto something.
I may experiment with this in the future using the fragrances of the elemental environment to sustain myself.
Anyway, my wife made a beautiful meal of raw seaweed salad and I mentioned why don’t I just take one clove of this garlic that has been slightly roasted on top of my lamp and put it in my meal.
The most extraordinary thing happened. My awareness, bubbliness and enthusiastic demeanor decreased almost immediately.
I could no longer smell the garlic in the air, which I was so enjoying, and my buoyant fruitarian consciousness was significantly muted. Now I realize why we use particular foods for medicine. Even though the garlic can have a positive effect, it changes one’s awareness.
So I am learning so much about the process of fruitarianism and the raw food lifestyle. Not only does this lifestyle give vitality and happiness, I can also smell somebody with perfume coming from half a mile away if they are downwind. It is extraordinary.
The senses of wild animals must be so acute and their being so vibrant by virtue of the fact that they don’t eat cooked food. And it is self-evident within my experience that this is the case.
Definitely won’t be bringing any of my perfume to Thailand, now that I’ve read this about Lujan’s supersensory smell ability!!
FYI – not really relevant, just an observation of a technical glitch on blog site: The time setting is off, it posts a.m. as p.m.
I don’t recall why I ‘saved’ this post to my desktop, but I just re-discovered it and it’s contents. Perhaps it was because I was interested in Mizpah’s book about the many benefits of fruit. Today, seeing the post now, and after reading Mizpah’s book, I’m moved to write and share what I’ve been feeling I wanted to share for a couple of weeks. It may resonate with some of you.
I’ve been exploring the World Wide Web for 4 years, searching to heal symptoms of electrical hypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity. I’ve learned a lot, and grieved a lot, about the toxic world we live in. Two paths that have provided me the most relief are from neurosurgeon Jack Kruse, and his discoveries about how ‘blue light is killing us’, and Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium, and his insight into ‘mystery illnesses’.
There is so much information. Mizpah, thank you for your beautiful book. Anthony echoes your wisdom of the many benefits of fruit. It is almost magical in its properties! Where we live, and how we live is important too.
Love and light, (sunlight!)
Sun Friend, I recognized you with your more-sincere post. I love you very much, too, so much so that I want to suggest you not take the MMS. Is it not an alkaline solution, as the literature suggests. We are all on long journeys and damage done through trying to alleviate one condition can be devastating to the whole system.
There is absolutely no shame in having Lymes nor is there any shame or judgement in not having all the definitive answers. “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer. To speak honestly about one’s self is the best evidence of where we are on the path, whether physically or spiritually.
I experience the symptoms of Lymes, also. It was called fibromyalgia when I first began searching for answers, looking for relief. As I began working on it, I found a complex situation of all other states of health/ill health within the rest of my body. All these situations had to be addressed before I could get to working on the muscular pains and arthritic stiffening. I still experience them somewhat today.
Without a shadow of doubt, I can say it is improving. The difference between now and ten years ago is dramatic. Ten years may seem like a long time, but convention would tell you I should be worse with aging and progression of the “disease.” I didn’t start working on healing until four years ago.
The addition of the kidney herbs, specific cleaning of the GI tract, strong lymphatic formulas had to be done first. That took two years. It’s work to be done and can sometimes seem endless. The addition of the parasite formulas made for another boost. One must keep working.
The searching for names of specific enemies, of specific parasites, the naming of diseases needs to be taken lightly. It is interesting information, but one can get lost in the endless detail and variety, and lose one’s positive outlook because of all the confusion.
I am so happy to hear your voice again. Please keep communicating and sharing your experience. We’re all learning together. So much love for you.
CHIM kills all co-infections also.
I realize I didn’t need to use anyone’s name to make my point. Very poor form.
I have been standing in a puddle so long I have webbed feet. I need a moment to dry off.
I don’t recommend Rife. Even if you know the exact strain of lyme you contracted, it still will take you approximately 2 years of treatments to completely eradicate cysted lyme. And if you don’t, you need to find the right frequencies first. Through trial and error. But rifing is good for healing organs and such after all lyme is removed.
CHIM takes 7 months to kill all lyme, even cysted form. But it will lay you out if your very ill.
You can herx from certain protocols, due to die off, but these protocols don’t kill cysted lyme. It can return 100% So the battle endures. The product or protocol needs to kill the cyst.
Best of luck to anyone who is battling something of this nature.
I know who you are and I know your intentions are to inform but the way you have done it seemed to completely discount the value of Dr. Morse’s work. I know Dr. Morse as well. I know his intentions are pure. His approach is not only a good foundation but really the only foundation there is to start dealing with Lyme. Other things can be added in as appropriate.
Lyme and co-infections are complex and Dr. Morse’s method is of utmost importance for the first level of healing, which is actually the most important step. Following his protocols for up to five years is important with Lyme. A 100 percent fruit diet is also of utmost importance to raise the vibration of the human organism and then it is still important to take herbs for cleansing of the toxins created by Lyme and the co-infections but to also realize that kidney herbs are of utmost importance because whether we understand it or not, even though we are urinating most people’s kidneys aren’t filtering – even “healthy” people – and it is very important to keep taking kidney formulas with other formulas that support any genetic weaknesses that you have or abnormalities, which create symptomatic dysfunction within the organ energy, for example your ability to deal with eradication and this can be dealt with through iris analysis.
Once you get to this level it is important to then look at other specific herbs once your internal system becomes more alkaline, which inhibits many pathogens from functioning optimally. This is why I would say Dr. Morse’s is not only a good foundation but also a backup for everything else you are doing. Stick with it. Don’t become discouraged. Because Lyme is complex.
The way you were expressing yourself in your posts may have discouraged someone that really needs Dr. Morse’s help and to this day I have not met anybody else with the depth of his knowledge. It is only his diet and herbs but that he encourages people to move through the healing process and changes their emotional and spiritual perspective while they are experiencing that healing crisis, which looks like illness coming back ten times stronger. This can put a lot of people off but it is actually what many have to go through if they are sick, especially long-term.
When you read my written word you know that it sounds harsher than I am. I am different in person. I send my love to you. But just remember to have your opinion without undue bias and talk about your complete situation so you are not caught in the position of being an assassin of somebody else’s character so we can all talk and equalize the position with understanding as is happening now.
Email me and I will send you information on another protocol that is extremely potent in terms of dealing with Lyme disease. You will go through an extreme healing crisis and you may come to the same conclusions about his protocol but Lyme is difficult and it is a hard journey.
Please keep us updated about your progress with Rife.
OH and I should ad, that the protocols I have suggested do not end with lyme. They will also work with fungus, molds, intestinal worms, viruses, parasites, etc. In effect everything on a biological level that the hidden ones are using to lower our frequency as a means of absolute mind control and loosh theft..
The reason I didn’t want to speak publicly with all of this yet is because I am not totally at the end of the journey, so I wanted to further compile residencies and come fourth with a refined testimony.
I know a lot of people are suffering out there and they simply do not have the knowledge to restore themselves because the truth has been so earnestly sequestered.
This is why I was speaking cryptically because I wanted my experiences to back my words fully. I didn’t want to pluck aspects of my journey that are not ripe and leave a sour taste in the mouth of a loved one who invested much hope in my advice.
But I stand behind my recommendations, I just need a bit of time to pull it all back to center.
So there you go. 🙂
Sun Friend, our essence travels through our words when we relate an experience that is heart felt and it brings awareness to another in a way that is mutually enhancing. It’s real. Anything else pales into comparison. It’s just talk. It also reveals where our hearts are not being heard and so are at dis-ease.
Edward, I could see as you saw and smell the coffee as you smelt it. I could hear your heart singing with joy at this new experience of gentle communion with the beauty that surrounds us and this made me so very, very happy. Thank you. It reminded me to step ever so gently upon this world.
In reviewing this thread I will comment further simply for the effect of not leaving an open-ended act of defamation towards Dr. Morse and to give some insight towards where I am coming from in hopes of saving grace, as it were.
I have lyme disease.
Dr. Morse suggests a detoxification diet to alleviate symptomology. I agree with this, I am also a raw foodist.
However, this and herbs, of any kind as far as I am concerned, will not kill lyme disease. Nor will it allieveiate all symptomology in terms of my own case, not even close. Lyme can stay in cysted form for years in the presence of herbs or antibiotics. If someone stopped at this point there would be a significant damper on their life and they would forever be coping with symptoms of neuro-toxicity.
If you have lyme disease I suggest MMS, which would be a long road to recovery. However I will say one week on MMS provided more help for me then 4 years with dietary and herbal approaches. I also suggest CHIM and FLUOX which is a quicker path. CHIM will kill even cysted form within 7 months. If in your studies either of these remedies resonate with you, you may like to try them.
The problem with rifing, is that you need to know the exact strain of lyme you have contracted to know which frequency to use. This can take a very very long time. The formulas I mentioned are preferential.
Allicin will also kill lyme, including the cysted form. But this requires very high doses (16 capsules per day), for about 9 months. Then a continual protocol every 8 months for the remaining cysted spirochetes that will uncoil. But Again, CHIM is of the highest recognition.
Thanks Lujan for helping me to delve within the intricacies of gossip and how tenuous these steps can be.
Best regards to all.
I don’t feel comfortable speaking about my experiences publicly at this time. Nor posting under my real name, but Lujan you know my whole story.
I didn’t mean for my initial post in this thread to cause a stir. Nor was I firmly decisive to even make the post. As I said, I can be neurotic at times.
The reason I apologized to you is because this is your forum and I felt I may have upset a long term member here, as well as derailing this thread. I hold you in the highest esteem and wasn’t aware of an undercurrent within my writings which was an act of assassination towards you or Dr. Morse. I will absolutely reexamine my intentions.
But indeed you are right, I am not comfortable to back up what I am saying right now. I should not have posted at all. Thank you.
Best of luck to everyone on their journey.
Sorry about that Lujan, I didn’t mean to send a wave of aberrance out and cause a disruption or threat to anyone’s sense of self.
I should be mindful in casting fourth irretrievable sentiments when I am a steamy cauldron of psychoneurosis. I tend to spake quite vehemently under such circumstances.
In genuine sincerity I love Dr. Morse. I know him personally. I just feel that he is uneducated to handle what has come down the turnpike from unseen places. Levels of iniquity that a busy mind wouldn’t even fathom. Advice he is offering with some conditions is unfortunately misleading, although his intentions are of absolute purity and selflessness. I have wanted to say what I wrote publicly for years. Because I want people to find their joy. All of us. Dr. Morses dissertations come forward with such a definitive edge that one can feel like they have found the final word in healing. If results are not achieved, they think they just need time. And much time is lost. I find this devastating.
There is just one step further that some people have to traverse beyond diet and herbs who have been infected. Not all, but some. And if we do not awaken to the direction we are being ushered towards, it will unfortunately be all of us.
Gwendolyn, I am pleased you have found resolve on your path with pursuits in avenues that have helped in your personal evolution, resolve, and fulfillment. You have a mighty warrior spirit my dear friend. I am sending you warm blessings and blankets of love. You are beauteous. I love you. Dearly. Your persistence warms my heart. I am all too familiar with your struggle. ♥
SunFriend said : There is just one step further that some people have to traverse beyond diet and herbs who have been infected.
Before you identify the splinter which you perceive as Dr. Morse’s failings, firstly take a look at your own sentence structure that I have quoted above.
You give advice with no answers, which is the size of a log. And in the same breath bring down Dr. Morse for all of his good work that he is doing and has done.
And if it seems to you he has the final word that shows your limitations in terms of your capacity to give credit to anybody else undertaking his protocol because he says look, be aware, identify and define your knowledge through a process of discovery. In other words, I have taken his herbs and done my own research including my own background education as a foundation to stepping into this very difficult world that we are all being confronted with at the moment in terms of health and healing.
Also I would like to now point at your comment to me. I haven’t made any comments to you in this thread. You are now throwing a cloak of misrepresentation over my name with nothing to back it up with – exactly what you are doing with Dr. Morse.
Talk about your experiences. Talk about the solutions you’ve discovered because of those experiences and see what response you get without the character assassination that in essence is a disease that spreads its self-serving rationale as poison within human consciousness and this is a symptom of discontent that reveals that the organ energy of the assassin is ill.
I found this post fascinating. Then, this morning, one of our guests asked for coffee. I pulled the brown paper back of organic coffee beans out of the fridge, and took a moment to smell them. Their effect on my energy system was palpable, uplifting, wonderful, the aroma so rich with information.
Then I ground some up, and poured boiling water over it in the pot. I smelt this, and the effect was quite different, not so positive. I had to crack some beans in a mortar and pestle, and then spend a little time gently taking in the essence of the coffee with my olfactory beingness. Again, I am uplifted, and this has continued for quite some time. What a wonderful gift, without the pushy rush of drinking coffee, and the inevitable crash after an hour or two.
Afte this I went out into my garden, gently plucked some lemon verbena leaves, drank in their heady perfume, and stuck my nose into the crowd of native bees supping on a sunflower. So sweet, so delicate, so powerful…
Thanks Lujan for triggering this new exploration!
I would gently put forth that we refrain from offering opinions regarding things with which we are not familiar. I do not wish to start a discussion about this subject on Lujan’s blog, but I would like to speak to an example of validation versus confirmation.
Sun Friend, you said, “Dr. Morse has not come into contact with the information in question and the formula reflects this.”
Then you said, “A fruit diet and herbs cannot alone deal with very real threats on our sovereignty like Morgellons, nano heavy metal aerosols, lyme disease, AIDS, etc.”
Your statements are simply not true. Thousands of people have gone through the “formula” and have come to know — not just opine — that this path does bring healing. Every condition you refer to has been addressed. If you know people who say they have been on the protocol for over two years without reprieve, I would suggest that they are not being wholly truthful with you. One must work through many levels, many plateaus. Sometimes additional tools must be employed, but without the base of clean diet in place, those tools will be useless.
Sun Friend, your words echo for me the passage of The Art of Parallel Perception when Malaiyan explains the Invisible Imprint.
How can I lose time searching for that which brings me back to balance, be that physical or emotional or in any energetic way? The remembering embedded within the experience itself, as I try this or that, that is awakened by the empty observation within silence is all that I have to guide me. So how can that be lost, unless I forget to look upon the imprint that the experience brings awareness to?
“Nothing happens to the warrior. Everything happens for the warrior.”
I would gently put forth that perhaps Dr. Morse has not come into contact with the information in question and the formula reflects this.
I would also assert further that the diets and protocols that he teaches are not entirely applicable to the onslaughts that the human race is currently dealing with and thus a bit antiquated. A fruit diet and herbs cannot alone deal with very real threats on our sovereignty like Morgellons, nano heavy metal aerosols, lyme disease, AIDS, etc. In relation to all of this the relevance of garlic’s effects on our coherence is secondary. Although I completely agree with what has been said here.
Everything is within our grasp so long as we remain formless in not adhering to someone else’s context.
What I am saying is that if real results do not arise, it is time to venture forward until true healing occurs. Evasive answers await.
I have heard about people following these protocols for over 2 years without any reprieve whatsoever. And I am a bit passionate about lost time. So thats my scoop.
Not sure where you are but the time here is 11:11 A.M. not P.M.
Is this really relevant in the greater scheme of things?
You are saying garlic, whether cooked or raw has bad effect on consciousness, then why is it found in Dr. Morse’s herbals as medicine? Is it the dose that makes the poison? Is it homeopathic in the effect or just a temporary cleansing sort of herb or balancing one or whatever? Have you ever taken one of his mixtures with garlic? Dr. Christopher and Schultz also use garlic.
It could also be that it depends on your own consciousness or physical makeup whether garlic is good to eat or take in herbal combos. It is one of the cheaper things people can get at the store that is supposed to be antibacterial and antifungal.
You will have to do your own studies. It is a very complex topic. Garlic is a pungent food. Most fruitarians can’t tolerate. Dr. Morse only has it in one of his formulas that I know of.
If you do a little research on the internet you will find different articles about its cross-hemispheric desynchronization.
Garlic has benefit for short-term use as a medicine when appropriate but is does not generally have positive effects on a long-term basis.
: )) Yeah, the thought popped into my head as I steeped away from the computer. I will be more mindful in future.
It is uncanny that though we are deeply alone in our journey, by honoring this within the heart, a beautiful connection to everything appears.
Much love,
Hey Luma, Tyson didn’t actually reply after I posted. It just appears that way because of the posting system here. But he did reply to another post of mine in a passive-aggressive defiance. So you are not completely wrong but I should realize that when doing this I shouldn’t push reply because it buried this post in the middle of others posts, making it appear that it wasn’t the last post written when in actual fact it was. The best way to discover the recent posts is to click on the links on the right side column. These links will take you to the last posts written, even if it is in the middle of a group of posts. I apologize for the confusion.
Posted By Tyson.
Posted By Lujan
By replying after Lujan has asked you to not post is another tactic to undermine the integrity of his advice and avoid facing what has been expressed to you for your own benefit.
Anger at being rejected and misunderstood is a very dangerous emotion. It evolves into self-righteousness as one tries to manipulate others to fill a void that can never be filled by another being.
The truth is that we are alone in our path. Completely alone and ultimately responsible for every gesture that we act upon. Within this loneliness there is a silence available to those who wish to listen, upon which a flame burns. Until one delves within this loneliness and silence, and stops pressuring the world to fill unwholesome emotional needs, words are just words. Noise. Meaningless. And true connection to the heart of another is what is yearned for and always out of reach.
After reading your response to Tyson I immediately felt within me a desire to protect. I realize that this is because I see that I do the same things and in so many moments throughout every day. Thus the need to protect because it was as if you were addressing me directly.
“They always look for how they can be dominant and more smart. ”
So much of my sorrow and feelings of disconnectedness comes from this very thing. The feeling that I know what others do not and therefore, if only they would see, then I could build a real relationship. In this way I isolate myself and run from my true inner desire to open up… and thus I become simply an energy reserve for the shadow to feed upon.
I tell myself I don’t know how to open up (self-pity), but I am seeing this as only an excuse to stay closed for fear of being raw and vulnerable. For fear of not being accepted. In other words, it’s my social programming running amok.
“These poison eyes always track back to unresolved anger and resentment and an extreme need for validation.”
Yup. I want to say that I am beginning to see my hidden need for validation, that I am progressing, but I know what I see is just the tip and that I am still refusing to address what lies beneath the surface (unresolved anger). Almost as if that shadow within has shown me what I wanted to see, what I was willing to see, just so that the rest can remain hidden.
This is why I haven’t posted much on this blog because I am putting you, Lujan, and this community up onto a pedestal, depending upon acceptance, so much so that I remain closed. I find this to be so ironic because I see in this moment how, in my life, my very need to connect with others (to validate myself) disconnects me from them.
I still fear putting this out here because within the “Cosmic Giggle” it is mentioned how what I say will create images of me within others’ minds and thus the very thing I am trying to eliminate becomes reinforced externally. How does one balance this? How does one open up without reinforcing externally the shadow one is trying to pacify within by shining the light upon it?
I want to thank you Tyson because what was addressed was indirectly directed at me as well.
I want to thank you Lujan for your loving way of speaking the truth.
You are very welcome. All I can say to you is study Whisperings of the Dragon until you get it, then you will understand more than you will expect.
“Yup. I want to say that I am beginning to see my hidden need for validation, that I am progressing, but I know what I see is just the tip and that I am still refusing to address what lies beneath the surface (unresolved anger). Almost as if that shadow within has shown me what I wanted to see, what I was willing to see, just so that the rest can remain hidden.”
This is a great piece of the puzzle for me to contemplate.
My anger is denied to be seen from me but i still see it – so i really cant deny it. I do get annoyed for what seems like no reason.
But i also cant deny the great joys and happiness i feel.
just like the great silence i experience at times and i cant also deny that the internal dialogue also reigns at times.
Thanks christopher you are my hearts heart 😉
“he likes to corrupt me” – LOL! XD
Thanks lujan i had no idea of the deeper knowledge of the interaction between garlic, the body and happiness.
also salt!
I consume salt daily it seems.. i should pay more attention to how i feel before and after. Is it the bad salt(refined) that causes negative effects or all salt? (I probily consume about a teaspoon and a half of sea salt close to daily)
What are allium vegetables? and what kind of vegitable are in this group?
Thanks-Again! 🙂
Firstly Tyson, I would like to address your huge ego and your misrepresentation of yourself. In many posts you say you are deeply aware of your inner silence and in this post you say you are not even aware enough to see the shift that salt can make to your consciousness. In other posts you admit you have anger issues. There can be no deep reservoirs of silence in terms of the contradiction that you have displayed. Your deep-seated need for recognition and dominance syntactically in terms of your self-righteousness is very clear. You are young and naive and at this moment in your evolution you are striving to be right so that you can get a foothold within the validation that you are seeking.
Allium vegetables are garlic, leek, onion, shallots, chives, green onions.
Himalayan and Celtic salt is healthy in moderation. Sea salt is often very refined and no better than table salt. One and a half teaspoons a day is too much of any kind of salt.
To reiterate I have seen poison eyes in a lot of self-righteous people. They always look for how they can be dominant and more smart. These poison eyes always track back to unresolved anger and resentment and an extreme need for validation.
These are the first and foremost enemies you have to work on. Humbleness and kindness without judgement are where you need to proceed so as to shine a light on the issues that you are burying through being so reasonably attached to the false comprehension of your circumstances and you have to consider that maybe this rationale is not making any real sense in terms of progressing on a path with heart.
I would ask you to seriously reflect without judging yourself, nor being propelled into a self-reflection that engenders guilt because this is not my intention via these statements that I have made.
You will only discover true inner silence when you drop your dysfunctional self-reflection through recognizing the limited nature of mind intelligence that insists it is bodily aware of its totality.
I hear only kindness in your words – for my progression and i can only thank-you from all of my heart for this.
Being transparent is hard to do on a computer because as christopher mentioned that i will create images of myself within others. But i welcome it with open arms.
I hear what you say- it rings true.
I hear my mind wanting to validate its position from time to time but refuse to do so… but i suppose that this does not fix anything at all. i must change my mind or rather lose it.
drop this need to be seen, for what my mind puts forth is but an illusion. my body doesnt have an idea of itself it is what it is, doing what it does. without a word spoken.
I know that i seek recognition here, I struggle with stopping that, for there is nothing to be seen – my actions/integrity affect my reality and do not need to be validated.
This place though, is where your integrity puts your foot down and shines a mirror at me to see myself along with others just who i am; that ive shown threw my actions and words, i welcome this i love this for only threw being told what i dont want to hear but need to hear can i see that im seen and that i was never hidden.
My heart welcomes you, Thank-You!
I will continue to work on these dysfunctional behavioral patterns till they are all let go of. I would like to live how i want to die. Free…
… i know i am still young and naive -its inevitable, i can only accept this and wait for my moments, like this one – being transparent and seen.
Lujan said “To reiterate I have seen poison eyes in a lot of self-righteous people. They always look for how they can be dominant and more smart. These poison eyes always track back to unresolved anger and resentment and an extreme need for validation.” – no doubt this “used” to be me but i have dropped this. I have seen from father and brother and myself that It supplies a false sense of power and in reality it couldnt be further from truth and power. -which shows that i am maturing and progressing with the dictums of spirit and i know there will always be room for more progress along the way.
I would love to continue to be a part of parallelperception, for i love to communicate with you guys! <3 🙂
If You Will Allow It…Am i Still Welcome?
Tyson, you are now soliciting group recognition towards your position here, by asking whether you are welcome or not. This is a very social tactic to gain alliances because you are afraid that I am going to ask you to have a break.
I would like you to stop posting so that you cannot feed off what you are trying to build here. I have been watching you and feel that it is time now that you realize that your attachments to this medium of Parallel Perception is not healthy for you. I would like you to take a very close look at your approach and how you are proceeding in life in general.
Know that you are being seen in this instance for what you are really doing.
Your defiance and need to be superior in combination are something that I cannot let grow within you in pretending that I don’t see it, as you would wish would happen in this instance. As I stated before not only do poison eyes have the capacity to turn their anger on the one who speaks truth to them, but these eyes also manipulate others into feeling sorry for the position you are in instead of seeing that the circumstances need to change.
In good conscience I cannot allow you to claw yourself to the top in everyone else’s consciousness in terms of how you are directing their eyes to see you. The very premise behind all my teachings is to subdue social recognition, not to promote it in others to support your position – eg. asking others here to bolster your personal situation by writing that you are hoping that you are still welcome among the group.
As the founder of Parallel Perception I cannot allow this to occur and ignore you and let it grow beyond this point. If I accept what I have seen I am not doing you a favor. It is much better that you accept what you are doing so you can grow beyond it, and this cannot happen in an atmosphere of denial in terms of me allowing it to occur.
So I would ask you now to stop posting and only to observe. You are too cozy in the idea that you cannot be located by anybody else. This does not and will not cultivate a true state of self-recognition in terms of who you really are and will never reveal your authentic self to guide you independently upon your path. From where you are you endeavor to manipulate everybody else into seeing you the way you want to be seen. This is not authenticity. You must know and realize that the tactics you are putting forward are underhanded and I can see them for what they are. They lack the very integrity you need to realize, which will inevitably be the only yardstick that will measure the true worth of the steps that you take in your life.
Angelika, you are very welcome. I was in a little bit of a hurry and my answer in the post here is a little bit choppy but I am glad you got a lot out of it.
Garlic has an extreme effect on consciousness. When I consumed it at that particular stage I was 90 percent fruitarian with 10 percent vegetables for for nine months. But what did have a huge effect on my consciousness at that stage was the consumption of salt, believe it or not.
A student of mine came from South Africa and he brought me some biltong because when I had seen him last I was still consuming more meat than I would consider healthy. His name is Gordon. He is a very lovely person and he loves to corrupt me. So he brought the biltong to central america. I had recovered from the effects of the garlic at this stage.
I had a little bit of the dried meat. It didn’t really effect me so then I had a little bit more till the salt slam dunked me into another state of consciousness that had nothing to do with happiness. Strange experience because people are happy when they consume cooked foods for their comfort. The food that I ate was actually raw but saturated in salt and maybe preservatives.
In the last ten years of traveling I have learned so much about my own attachments in a very deep level to food and quite frankly have learned that the consumption of comfort foods is just a crutch that locks out true communication, true realization and only confirms a social need for recognition on a level that we’ve been trained to accept and not realizing that it is quite dysfunctional. In other words reasonable premises that sound correct but are far from the truth.
But for myself, I’ve never searched for social recognition and never will. It is just that your body at certain levels of awakening teaches you about the binding force of food and its connection to our existence in terms of security.
Dear Lujan
Thank you for all of this.
After I had an intense awakening I could not keep food in my body for a very long time, it just seemed to go through. At the time I did not know what that was.
Years later, when I became a breatharian even though I came close to death in the process I felt more connected than I had for a long time. In the end the social pressures were such that even people who I thought would understand ridiculed me. I was not strong enough emotionally, energetically nor physically and not spiritually developed enough at the time to withstand this and went back to eating after a while. I know now I was not ready then. I feel excited and hopeful about learning the practice as I imagine it will strengthen what needs to be strengthened and diminish what over the years I have built up as a protection.
So I know it is possible in principle to live without eating food, but maybe not without smelling it! Absorbing food through smell makes so much sense to me and I rememeber myself loving to smell fruit at that time, particularly.
I look forward very much to meeting you on Sunday week!
Much love
this post really moves me and helps to explain many instincts I have had now and before, about living places where you can small food or coking processes, living near fast food outlets in the past and some habits i have, like sealing off quarters, when cooking is happening (i have a combined living/eating area). also, I live near a busy intersection on street level, where people pass by my kitchen window and can smell what is being eaten.. this awareness has instinctually made me change cooking times and pushed me further towards making smoothies or eating raw at busy times of eavy traffic times.. the instinct has been that I was wishing to feel more ‘silent’ and ‘less invasive’ about my food consumption, due to the fact that my kitchen can effect more people that it needs to.. because of this proximity to passers-by and traffic, i have been wanting to put more plants/trees in my and around my house which is very concrete. Today, someone posted a quiet dream that I had.. which was that I had a community garden/vege patch to be a part of.. there is one starting and I can contribute – so happy.. Im far from being a good food nerd but i feel the plants are calling my body again.. im keen to learn more
So cool that you’re studying with Dr. Morse. I’ve enjoyed his videos and no-nonsense approach.
Different smells can nourish our glands and provide biophoton energy. That’s why you can smell people’s energy, and the energy of different places. Our lungs are our main source of lifeforce, and smells are like tuning forks, subtly altering the frequencies. I knew about the desynchronizing effects of garlic, but I still ate it occasionally. This inspired me to go without.
Can anybody provide references of negative and positive (e.g., desynchronizing effects) uses of garlic as food. I also would like to distinguish between raw, grilled and steam garlic. I am also interested about what Dr. Morse’s teachings say about garlic consumption. Thanks
I have no personal conscious experience of that with garlic (which I like to smell and eat) but have not wanted to eat onions for decades.
On another note, I was a breatharian for a short time and have known quite a few, they all seem to love being around food and preparing food for others!
Angelika, it would be really great if you could paraphrase the information in the article.
Garlic and rosemary are great to be smelt in the air. Garlic has a detrimental effect on consciousness when consumed. What occurs when garlic is consumed is that the two hemispheres become split via the chemical reaction within one’s physicality. This causes a drop of consciousness away from ecstatic happiness.
What we are doing in Lo Ban Pai is to connect both the hemispheres via grey matter and garlic has the effect of neutralizing the cross-hemispheric growth of grey matter and interfering with the binding of both hemispheres.
The brain is only a command center. It is common knowledge in ancient traditions that any allium vegetables will diminish the empathy that is created via the unifying effect of the command center being interfered with by garlic.
Dear Lujan,
The article related the detrimental effects of eating garlic on the causal body, in contrast to the effects on the physical, much as you said.
I find your explanations clearer and more comprehensive, especially the effect on the hemispheres working in unison. Also really fascinating and good to read how it relates to lo ban pai, thank you.
This has stimulated a lot of connections for me.
Thank you very much.