Visiting Lujan Matus for a second time has left me quite speechless for a while. Ever since I left, I have attempted to explain to myself what exactly happened during those three weeks and put things into perspective but finally accepted that there is nothing to understand in such a fashion. What remains to be understood is everything else: where has my life taken me so far, what made me compromise and every little thing I need to drop so that I constantly remain true to myself.
The time spent with Lujan has been totally genuine on all aspects: there was only joy, love and we spoke of truth without holding back. It transformed and healed me beyond anything I could have imagined. In other words, what happened during those three weeks was that I had witnessed truth (and non-linearity) long enough so that I can’t deny my own – or anyone else’s – anymore.
What has been transmitted manifested on many levels that I can’t fully understand at this time. What I perceived was profound, unexpected healing that still brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it. Besides the initial energetic impetus, Lujan made me aware of what I would describe as an area in my luminosity that was weakened, with considerably less awareness, very similar to a numb arm or leg. One thing that happened after I was shown this, was that I understood instantly how I had been manipulated through that area for as long as I know.
After I became aware of what he was showing me, he simply said “talk from it”. Behind those words was the healing formula: the information in terms of body consciousness needed for healing the self from within by directing the flow of energy within the body throughout the affected area.
This event brought the notion of completeness (or sealing one’s luminosity) on my mind ever since I left Costa Rica. This is something truly priceless and it should be the right of every human being on this planet. To know a shaman willing and able to guide one towards this state is a blessing.
Everything that occurs when someone comes to visit Lujan Matus, has the potential to heal and align them completely with their own heart. On one hand there is the transmission of shamanic knowledge that comes from a most mysterious and powerful source and on the other there is cooperation and trust.
One of the most pragmatic lesson received has been that of cultivation. Discipline, inner silence, personal power are all cultivated through dedication, consistency and patience, day by day, as opposed to inherited or not, as I used to believe. Now that I think of it, how convenient it was for me to believe I simply did not inherit discipline: it meant I did not have to move one finger for anything beyond what was comfortably familiar!
Reviewing my Dragon’s Tears and Quetzalcoatl made me quickly realize that there are countless details I was still not able to fully grasp, such as synchronized breathing and many subtle yet important gestures and locations in terms of the chakra system. The details I was able to assimilate this time made me love these two sets – that seem to have life of their own – even more and made my practice much more effective. A review of the system also means going deeper within the self, becoming aware of what is obstructing the free, harmonious flow of energy within the body.
Lujan’s system is profoundly healing and I believe a student can only grasp as much as one is sealed and complete at the time being. As healing is progressive, it is only logical to assume that as many reviews are needed as there is room left to heal in order to fully grasp this system. As healing is an ongoing process in life and Lujan being the most complete human being I have ever met, I believe that shows exactly the depths of his unique system.
The Three Treasures set plays a vital role in the healing process described above. This set consolidates power like nothing I have ever seen and if it is the foundation of Lujan’s system, then I am in awe to whatever is next. Ever since I added the set to my practice, my flexibility has been greatly enhanced, I started perceiving fire-like energy that spreads from the mid-section of the body, generating a massive boost of energy and started feeling the benefits of iron-shirt by having my body toughened. This set also does wonders for the cardiovascular system, greatly stimulating blood-flow throughout all areas of the body.
There are other profound and mystical experiences I have constantly been through since I started the practice which await the dedicated practitioner and can be corroborated after reading Lujan’s two books: the The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus and Awakening the Third Eye: Discovering the True Essence of Recapitulation
I believe with all my heart that any human is able to let their fire from within grow and eventually expand over all aspects of their life, thus reaching their true potential as luminous beings. This has been shown to me in a most powerful dream I had while I saw Lujan for the first time, where an old man made his gesture of power when he saw his very last chance to act for the benefit of others.
It is us and only us who are responsible if we act now or later, when we are compelled to act.
What Lujan Matus has given is the spark and tools needed to let my own fire expand. Don Juan called it the warrior’s dance of power and it is the mark of impeccability, joy and freedom of expression. As I head towards my inevitability, like anyone else, I acknowledge this gift that started to give me true purpose in life and the most undeniable proof is that my fear of death dissolves as I become more aware of it.
What remains is humbleness, love and to be grateful for the precious time in this beautiful world.