This application for the 2023 Parallel Perception Scholarship was submitted by Katie. To support Katie, please comment at the end of this post.

My Journey to Lujan’s work is a spiral in and of itself. In 2013 my soul had a hunger as I was begging to open up to the nature of our universe and the oneness of myself. I went deep into a meditation, so far into my inner galaxy that when I emerged, I had a clarity, a knowing I had not yet experienced.

Moments later, I asked Spirit, “Show me my next steps,” and it was then that I came upon The Cosmic Giggle documentary. I remember hearing Lujan’s voice, and all of the recognition and feeling of being reunited with an old dear friend flooded my heart space. I knew his spirit and peacefully and loving listened to his words. I found other souls in that film that I also knew. It was like a family reunion of souls, and I cried with joy and love.

I became a student from a distance, reading Lujan’s books and placing them under my pillow at night to absorb their wisdom on subconscious and conscious levels. It was then I began to move my body differently, and I a yearning to learn Lo Ban Pai and work with Lujan came into the front of my mind, but I resisted it, I believed myself to be too flawed to learn from such a master of energy and consciousness.

Years went by, and I continued to have strange experiences. I was on my way to a silent retreat in the woods for three days. I was looking out the window of the car, and I saw a flash of Lujan and got a notification on my phone, Parallel Perception started following me on Instagram just then.

It was around this time I started questioning my sanity, I was barely speaking and walking the paths in the woods, repeating mantras and praying. One night I was walking the paths, and I heard Lujan’s voice gently guide me. Shortly after that, a ghostly figure of a shaman appeared to me on my path. He asked if I wanted his help.

I was frightened, and he asked me again, “Do you want my help?”

And reached out his hand, I extended mine, and he said, “I will arrange it,” and disappeared from the pathway.

I continued to hear guidance from Lujan and two other teachers during my retreat. A few weeks later, I met the shaman I had seen on the path in person. A few months later, I participated in one of Lujan’s online classes and felt inspired and scared that he would confirm that my guidance was lunacy.

I eventually decided to travel for a while and brought Lujan’s books with me. A great awakening had occurred inside me, and I wanted to keep my anchor with me while I learned how to fly in my own truth and space. Three years have passed since then. I have had many more experiences that have brought me to this point and place, and I am forever grateful to Lujan’s teachings and amazing heart. The desire to learn Lo Ban Pai has become greater than my fear, and I happily anticipate working with him when the time is in alignment.

Many thanks for this wonderful opportunity. It was perfect timing for me to take a look at my journey and send a thank you to Lujan and Mizpah, as well as have an opportunity to learn Lo Ban Pai and cultivate a deeper practice that involves actively being in my body while connecting on deeper levels of consciousness.
Thank You, Lujan,


We are now accepting registrations for online spiritual guidance with Lujan Matus in June 2023.

To register please visit the link below:

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