This application for the 2017 Parallel Perception Scholarship was submitted by Nine Winds.  If you would like to offer your support for Nine Winds please leave a comment at the end of this blog post.

For the pursuit of realizing untapped potential and the path to find it. This awareness of energetic facilities and the methods of connecting with them. To dismantle binding limitations and the tensions which uphold them.

Dabbling with esoteric Kung Fu seems to have become an interest of mine. I spend a portion of my time trying to more fully understand it and how it may benefit me. Often times in life I seem to find a familiar set of circumstances, so much so, that I’m becoming increasingly aware of their onset, duration, and machinations.

Those of having direction, purpose; or those of being aimless and not knowing what to do or where to go next. That of needing a solution and not having one. Wandering in confusion out of undirected ignorance. For me the effort spent in not knowing is a different kind of difficulty.

Nowhere to go and nothing to lose on the edge of abandon with one foot raised ready to set down on the next step. A crucial perspective and understanding when faced with the most unfavorable of circumstances. Ever vigilante for the golden opportunity.

I learned from Lujan Matus to be patient and absent of mind when beckoning the vapor. He has taught me to embrace the concept of unknown possibilities. To expect the unexpected. I’ve learned it is important to be one’s genuine and authentic self.

It has taken a little time though every once and awhile the movements bring me into the feeling of my heart that I would so much like to return. To conduct oneself in an appropriate and mindful manner. The importance of expression from the heart.

I’d like to continue to pursue to more fully understand the nature of the true self and the pursuit of potential yet to be realized. As well as become more cognizant of my faculties. Once in touch with these apparatus’s to be able to activate their functions. Allowing the benefits of their expression and in full preparedness or otherwise welcome whatever they may beckon.

I’d like to continue training to tune my instrument and acquire more relative and essential techniques; martial and otherwise. To come to a more complete understanding of the connectedness and path of development of Lo Ban Pai.

The works struck a thread relating firsthand experiences to some of the passages of the books. That connection lended insight. That insight gave me clarity. It seemed so simple afterwards where as before it was despondent, heavily oppressive and extremely difficult.

That clarity of my circumstances lead to empowerment to take action to dispel the cloak of the shadow. How it has tried to circumvent to reinstate influence in my circumstances and my maneuvers to counter act it. Positioned me in a new understanding and perspective of my scenario; gave me more control and personal empowerment to make change.

Touched on the techniques to feel their effects though haven’t been able to work with them fully enough in order to create change. The art of self healing. Reversing developmental energetic limitations. I thoroughly believe with a a deep enough practice of Chi Kung one could heal ones self and return to the conditions of purity of a child as an adult.

As much as I don’t like to lose; I’ve never been able to quell this dissatisfaction over not receiving the esteemed distinction of Lujan. Hopefully one day I’ll learn to relax. Very much so looking forward to my return visit.

It’s a strange place we live in. In closing; Kung Fu Rednecks represent.

Yours truly and respectfully so,
Nine Winds

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