How does one begin to define or unpack an energy cultivation form created as a core compilation of the learnings of lifetimes?
Perhaps the wise would say there is no unpacking, only being the knowing through not-doing that form… Perhaps.
(What follows is but one attempt at describing some aspects of this legacy):
The Power of the Shaman
In flowing through the motions of Dragon’s Tears, if one is fluid enough, silent enough, and empty enough, one becomes aware of many things.
Some of these things can be talked about, some can only be experienced. Some of them can be replicated, most things arise, flow and then depart once mysterious shifts have occurred, some to return, some not.
Beyond the Mind
This can sound very vague, and to the mind this is true. However, man has other aspects, other abilities that exist beyond the mind. Aspects of awareness, perception, knowing, energy, form, and emptiness that are parts of us we all to often are not even aware of. Flowing through the motions of Dragon’s Tears connects us to this heritage, these aspects of ourselves that await to be beckoned to nurture our evolution.
Ancient Shamanic Lineages
This form is based, and originates in the wisdom and practices of mystery lineages of the ancient Mongolian-Altai shamans, of the old Kunlun Taoist and Tibetan Bön traditions. And much later the influence of the Central American Shamans who attempted to pursue immortality. Originally, these paths are all eclectic, unfettered by much of the standardization, ritual, pomp and mind-infested traditions of later organized religions and esoteric systems.
Dragon’s Tears is the result of epochs of practice, learning, insights, teacher to student transmission and infusion by the intent to evolve beyond what has been defined and set by those who came before us. In short, it is a practice to support and nurture the cultivation of freedom, designed for those who pursue it on the heart-path of the warrior.
As one of a series of practices in a long lineage, it is the newest form, dating from about 300 years ago. Its creator, master Lo Ban, also known as the old nagual Lujan, based it on the oriental inner alchemy tradition of which he was a seasoned practitioner.
Mayan, Toltec and Oriental Traditions
In the first, a Mayan-Toltec system, Lo Ban apprenticed and became the lineage-bearer, or Nagual. This heart path teaching provided a potent intent to refocus a typically abstract and vague Oriental approach.
In the second, master Lo Ban had the fortune of spending much time with the shaman, Xoxonapo, who ‘adopted’ his techniques and absorbed this Oriental tradition into the Toltec lineage. Thus the relationship was symbiotic thus enhancing the ‘path with heart’ from both traditions.
Alchemical Transformation through Movement
Infused with this additional knowledge, Dragon’s Tears is a series of gestures, some would say a long-form ‘magical pass’, comprising 27 movements, geared to train and manifest the fluidity of energy and perception required to pursue freedom.
Practically the form gathers energy, moves, purifies, redistributes and integrates it, effectively tuning the practitioner to be in a state of fluidity that can respond to what presents itself in any moment, in alignment with what that situation requires.
This stands in stark contrast to practices designed to enable the practitioner to exert their will, which unless originating from the heart, and expressed unfettered by the desires of the human mind, would almost certainly be diverted back to the very pursuits that entrap man to begin with.
A Spiritual Discipline
For the dedicated ‘spiritual’ warrior, Dragon’s Tears is many things. It is a disciplined practice, a communion with Spirit, an act of seeking the formless in form. An abandon to the dictates of the moment that can be followed in kinesthetics and awareness, and which can have one disappear to oneself.
It brings movement to meditation, a means to integrate spirit with matter, the unknown into our known. This grounding is an essential part of walking the path of heart, because as organic beings living in this waking construct, traversing a path of heart is a reality, not only a romance of ideas.
Dragon’s Tears empowers an intent to freedom that allows the warrior to cultivate a unique path in line with one’s personal heart realizations, which in essence is the ultimate goal of shamanism.
very well written Henk!