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Featuring interviews with Lujan Matus.

It is now overwhelmingly clear that we are facing immense challenges as a species that are completely unprecedented. These challenges are a complex, multi-layered and interwoven tapestry of many previously disparate arenas that are now converging.

The fields of science and technology, politics, sustainable living, spirituality and virtually every other mode of human life are all coming to a head, and we are being confronted with a total re-examination of the way we interact with our environment. Meeting these challenges is going to take a massive collective effort to transform the world we live in, but before that is even a possibility, a transformation from within is necessary.

The Cosmic Giggle is a documentary, but it is more than just a documentation. It is an alchemical tool to catalyze the internal, personal change that we all need to meet the future.

Michael Armstrong

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